Friday, 11 May 2012

Project Review

We are know that make a CD package was not easy as something that we have done when we in semester two. Today, Semester Four  actually we all have to remind back everything that we have learn does from Semester one to semester four. Although since two years we have learn everything,there was something that we still done know. It's was hard. Moreover, we have done all CD package in a group. If something  were wrong,,we all will take risk. We all learn how to save file into small file size,design a new interface but more grand than before. Something that we all really learn from this Multimedia Project Management was time management. If we not arrange entire job and be punctual in everything, then we all will fail when make a product. It will become useless when we done a job when last minute and not arrange a time. We not understand and learn many thing and we will take it as our teaching.

End of the MPM project


Today we will give all documentation to our lecturer. By hand-over the documentation,we all have done making and present our CD package project. We have got many experience making CD package. And we would like to say thank you for our lecturer and our classmate.

Thank You,

Project View

We are know that make a CD package was not easy as something that we have done when we in semester two. Today, Semester Four  actually we all have to remind back everything that we have learn does from Semester one to semester four. Although since two years we have learn everything,there was something that we still done know. It's was hard. Moreover, we have done all CD package in a group. If something  were wrong,,we all will take risk. We all learn how to save file into small file size,design a new interface but more grand than before. Something that we all really learn from this Multimedia Project Management was time management. If we not arrange entire job and be punctual in everything, then we all will fail when make a product. It will become useless when we done a job when last minute and not arrange a time. We not understand and learn many thing and we will take it as our teaching.

project review

We are know that make a CD package was not easy as something that we have done when we in semester two. Today, Semester Four  actually we all have to remind back everything that we have learn does from Semester one to semester four. Although since two years we have learn everything,there was something that we still done know. It's was hard. Moreover, we have done all CD package in a group. If something  were wrong,,we all will take risk. We all learn how to save file into small file size,design a new interface but more grand than before. Something that we all really learn from this Multimedia Project Management was time management. If we not arrange entire job and be punctual in everything, then we all will fail when make a product. It will become useless when we done a job when last minute and not arrange a time. We not understand and learn many thing and we will take it as our teaching.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Make a Design

2 week before 5.4.2012...kami telah design  layout untuk cd pacakage kami. Perjumpaan kami di McD Tambun.  Design tersebut telah hampir siap dan pada hari ini kami akan present design2 tersebut  pada hari ini.

Saturday, 24 March 2012